CountryCountyForename (Main)Surname (Main)Family Reference (Main)Personal Reference (Main)Service RankService No.RegimentDate of DeathAge (Main)Calc Birth Year (Main)Where BuriedGPS Co-ordinatesNotesAdditional InformationGeneral InformationRepositoryONS / OPSFormatted Date of Event
ENGSFKHarold EdgarSPARROWSPARROW3895Private19592Suffolk Regiment, 2nd Battalion28/03/1918211897Arras Memorial, Pas De Calais, France50.28697, 2.76065Son of Mrs. E. Sparrow, of Mill Farm, Bedfield, Framlingham, Suffolk. Not on the Debenham War Memorial, but was born in Debenham and enlisted at Stowmarket....On Bedfield War MemorialCWGCOPS19180328